Thursday, 19 December 2013


Partner Christmas WOD

For Time:

1 x Clean (60/40)

2 x Hand Stand Push Ups

3 x Front Squats (60/40)

4 x Sumo DeadLift High-Pull (60/40)

5 x Pull Ups

6 x Box Jumps (24/20)

7 x Burpees

8 x Push Ups

9 x Wall Balls (9/6)

10 x Kettle Bell Swings

11 x Deadlifts (60/40)

12 x Thrusters (60/40)

Split it with your partner any way you choose.

After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 12 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. I.E. do 1 Clean, then 1 Clean + 2 HSPU, then 1 Clean + 2 HSPU + 3 Front Squats, etc.

The WOD is complete when the 12 Thrusters are completed.