AMrepsAP 20 Minutes
In pairs, one person working at a time:
80 x Wall Balls (2 x 20 each)
2 x Cindy rounds (1 x each)
60 x Burpee Box Jumps (3 x 10 each)
2 x Cindy rounds (1 x each)
40 x Power Cleans @ 50% 1RM (2 x 10 each)
2 x Cindy rounds (1 x each)
20 x Toes to Bar (1 x 10 each)
2 x Cindy rounds (1 x each)
20 x Toes to Bar (1 x 10 each)
2 x Cindy rounds (1 x each)
In remaining time complete AMRAP:
2 x Bar or Ring Muscle Ups * (1 x each)
4 x Wall Walks (2 x each)
Cindy = 5 x pullups, 10 x pushups, 15 x squats
*Muscle Up = L1 Ring row into negative dip, L2 strict pull up.
Record total reps completed.