Partner WOD, 1 x person working at a time:
6 x Thrusters L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30 (3 x Each)
6 x Bar facing burpees L1 Standard Burpees (3 x each)
12 x Thrusters (6 x each)
12 x Bar facing burpees L1 Standard Burpees (6 x each)
18 x Thrusters (9 x each)
18 x Bar facing burpees L1 Standard Burpees (9 x each)
24 x Thrusters (12 x each)
24 x Bar facing burpees L1 Standard Burpees (12 x each)
Repeat with the same rep scheme and weight:
Hang Power Cleans
Toes to Bar
If complete both ladders within the time, continue with AMRAP:
Alternate Wall Walks.