Monday, 22 December 2014


Partner or Solo WOD - The 12 Days of Christmas:

For time:

1 x Muscle Up (1 x strict pullup, 1 x Ring Dip)
2 x Power Cleans & Jerk @ 75% 1RM
3 x HSPU
4 x Burpee Box Jumps
5 x Push Ups
6 x Toes to Bar
7 x Deadlifts @ C & J weight.
8 x Pull Ups (Jump Chins)
9 x Air Squats
10 x Double Unders
11 x  KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
12 x Wall Walks

30 Minute Cut Off.

Complete 1 x muscle up, then 1 x muscle up + 2 x clean & jerks, then 1 x muscle up + 2 clean & jerks + 3 x HSPU etc. until you complete 12 x rounds, finishing with all 12 movements in your final round.

If completed as a partner WOD, break up reps as you like. 1 x person working at a time.