Tuesday, 30 June 2015


10 minutes - 1RM Deadlift


Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM
Abmat Situps (L2 & L3 x 2)
Double Unders (L2 x 2 & L3 x 3)

Inhouse throwdown & Awards Dinner Entry Form

Monday, 29 June 2015


For Time:

30 x Back Squats (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 70/50)
30 x Pull ups
400m (L1 200m)
25 x Front Squats (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
20 x Toes to bar
400m (L1 200m)
20 x Overhead Squats (L1 20/20, L2 30/20, L3 40/30)
20 x HSPU
400m (L1 200m)

Swap out own plates each round. 18 minute cut-off.

Sunday, 28 June 2015


"Legs gone bad"

60 seconds max reps - Wall Balls
60 seconds max reps - Row for Calories
60 seconds max reps - Box Jumps
60 seconds max reps - Barbell front rack lunges (30/20kg)
60 seconds max reps - Burpees
60 seconds rest

3 rounds, record total reps.

We are at the beginning of another cycle. Congratulations on a great show of skill to those who made the most of de-load week last week, and are now ready to hit that red line once again!
Have a great Monday, and a great week Y'all!

Thursday, 25 June 2015


Partner WOD:


Partner A:
7 x Pullups
9 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
11 x Box Jumps

Partner B:
Run (L1 200m, L2 & L3 400m)

Partner A completes as many rounds as possible while Partner B completes run. Once Partner B returns from the run, swap over and Partner B begins round where Partner A left off.
Score total full rounds completed.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Option 1:

Pull up practice
(Kipping, Butterfly, Strict)

10 rounds for Quality:
5 x Pullups
Rest as required.

Option 2:

HSPU Practice
(Holds, kipping, strict, deficit, walks)

10 Rounds for quality:
5 x HSPU
Rest as required.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Choose your own adventure:

Option 1:

(Not timed)
30 x Snatches
choose your own starting weight and add 5kg to bar every 5 reps.


For time -
L1 - 50 x Burpees
L2 - 50 x Burpee Bar Touch
L3 - 50 x Burpee T2B

Option 2:

(Not timed)
10 x Snatch Complex
(1 x Snatch grip dead lift, 1 x High Pull, 1 x Squat Snatch or Power snatch + OH Squat)
choose your own starting weight and add 2.5kg to bar if lift completed successfully with good technique.


For time -
L1 - 50 x Burpees
L2 - 50 x Burpee Box Jumps 20"
L3 - 50 x Burpee Box overs 20"

Swapping parts of Option 1 & Option 2 not allowed.

Monday, 22 June 2015


For 20 minutes complete rounds for Quality of:

9 x Deadlifts
6 x Power Cleans
3 x Shoulder to Overhead

Choose your own weight depending on workout goal Eg - Heavy for strength based workout, Lighter for efficiency of stringing reps etc. Break reps accordingly & rest as required.

Sunday, 21 June 2015


Skills session: Double Unders


1st Minute: 4 x Squat @50%1RM (either front, back or OH)
2nd Minute: Double Unders* (L1 x 10, L2 x 20, L3 x 30)
3rd Minute: 10 Calorie Row
4th Minute: 5 x Box Jumps (26"/24")

* Count Attempts.

Monday Motivation

When it comes to exercise, never associate the word "PAIN" with motivation or a positive way to achieve results:

The Assumption with the use of the word: There’s nothing to be achieved from a workout that doesn’t leave you in a reasonable degree of discomfort.

The Reality: I’m not saying don’t get yourself uncomfortable. Taking yourself to an uncomfortable place is necessary occasionally. But it is absolutely not required in order to make gains. A successful person learns to differentiate between good pain and bad pain. If it truly hurts, don’t do it. Discomfort is okay, but pain free is the ideal place to be.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Partner WOD:


On the minute every minute for 9 minutes, Partner A completes:

5 x Burpee Bar Touches
5 x Pull ups
5 x Burpee Bar touches
rest remainder of minute.

On the minute every minute for 9 minutes, Partner B completes:

5 x HSPU
5 x Air Squats
5 x Box Jumps
rest remainder of minute.

-Both athletes working at the same time.
-Swap over after 9 minutes.
-Score 1 point for each round you complete in full only, partial rounds do not count.
-If you and your partner complete every round you'll score 36 points (18 x full rounds each).
-If you fail to complete required reps within the minute, restart the round at beginning of next minute and try again.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


For time:

Run (L1 400m, L2 800m, L3 1.2km)
Wall Balls (L1 x 60, L2 x 80, L3 x 100)
50 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 25/15kg, L2 30/20kg L3 40/30kg)

15 Minute Cut-off.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


As far as possible in 16 minutes:


Hang power clean & jerk (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
Bar facing burpees
25 x double unders after each round.

If complete round of 15 reps, begin again at x 3.

Monday, 15 June 2015


10 RFT

3 x Overhead Squats (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 40/30kg)
6 x Toes to Bar
9 x Box Jumps (24/20")

Box Planner class book in. Create your account at www.box-planner.com :

Sunday, 14 June 2015



5 x Pullups (L3 C2B)
10 x Push ups
15 x KB Swings (L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)
20 x Thrusters (L1 20/15kg, L2 & L3 30/20kg)

Thursday, 11 June 2015



In pairs, complete AMRAP 20 of:

1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)*
3 x Strict Pullups (any grip)
1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)
6 x HSPU
1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)
9 x Ring Dips

Partner A completes one round then swaps with partner B.
Continue alternating after each completing one full round.
Clean can be from the hang position or the ground.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


For Time:

800m (L1 400m)
20 x Pull ups
400m (L1 200m)
20 x Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
200m (L1 100m)
20 x SDHP
400m (L1 200m)
20 x Box Jumps
800m (L1 400m)

Tuesday, 9 June 2015



30 x Double Unders
10 x Squat Cleans (L1 & L2 40/30, L3 60/40)

Monday, 8 June 2015



Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM
Burpee Box Jumps 20"

Sunday, 7 June 2015


9:30am WOD only.

Teams WOD games.

She's excited, you should be too!

Thursday, 4 June 2015


Partner WOD


20 x Box Jumps
16 x Ring Dips
14 x Power Cleans (L1 40/30, L2 & L3 60/45)
12 x HSPU
10 x Pull-ups

Split rounds/ reps as required.  

Wednesday, 3 June 2015



Wall Balls
Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM
Bar facing burpees

21/15/9 Strategic plan of attack:
21 = Unbroken
15 = Push through
9 = Dont stop

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


20 Minutes:
1RM Clean & Jerk



For time:

30 x Clean & Jerks @ 60% 1RM

Monday, 1 June 2015


For time:

400m Run (L3 800m)
20 x HSPU 
30 x KB Swings (L1 16/12, L2 24/16, L3 32/24kg)
40 x Burpees (L3 Burpee Bar touch)
30 x Toes to bar
20 x Ring Dips
400m Run (L3 800m)