Sunday, 21 June 2015


Skills session: Double Unders


1st Minute: 4 x Squat @50%1RM (either front, back or OH)
2nd Minute: Double Unders* (L1 x 10, L2 x 20, L3 x 30)
3rd Minute: 10 Calorie Row
4th Minute: 5 x Box Jumps (26"/24")

* Count Attempts.

Monday Motivation

When it comes to exercise, never associate the word "PAIN" with motivation or a positive way to achieve results:

The Assumption with the use of the word: There’s nothing to be achieved from a workout that doesn’t leave you in a reasonable degree of discomfort.

The Reality: I’m not saying don’t get yourself uncomfortable. Taking yourself to an uncomfortable place is necessary occasionally. But it is absolutely not required in order to make gains. A successful person learns to differentiate between good pain and bad pain. If it truly hurts, don’t do it. Discomfort is okay, but pain free is the ideal place to be.