Thursday, 31 July 2014


Partner WOD:

WOD 1:
10 x Burpees
10 x Alternate KB Snatches (L1 - Single arm KB Swings)
100m Sprint

WOD 2:
For Time:
100 x Double Unders
10 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
80 x Double Unders
8 x Thrusters
60 x Double Unders
6 x Thrusters

WOD 3:
Power Cleans @ 50% 1RM
Toes to Bar

WOD 4:
Wall Balls
Pull ups

Partner A does WOD 2 then WOD 4, whilst Partner B does WOD 1 then WOD 3. Once both athletes have completed their WODS, they swap. Record total time taken. 30 minute cutoff.