- In 3 sets of 2 work up to a challenging power snatch. (3 working sets. Warm up first)
- 3x3 snatch grip dead lift. Aim for over 100% of your current 1 RM snatch
4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
15 Power snatch
Rest 4 minutes
4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
12 Power snatch
Rest 4 minutes
4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
9 power snatch
(Walk around during the rest. Don't collapse on the floor 😉)
Rx: 35/40, 45/50, 50/60
Mod 1: 15/20, 20/30, 25/40
Back Squat 5x3. If you can find time DO THIS!!!!!!!!