Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Barbell conditioning: 8 Minute EMOM
5x Clean and Jerks every minute

M1: 25/35
Rx: 40/50
M2: 70% of 1RM

2 Minute AMRAP
Max meters weighted overhead lunge walk M1: 5/10 Huge the plate not OH Rx: 10/15 M2: 15/20
Rest 2 minute
2 Minute AMRAP
Max wall balls
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minute AMRAP
Max box jump overs
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minutes AMRAP
Max Double unders M1: Double unders Rx: Double unders M2: Double unders

5x3 Back Squat DON'T LOSE THE SQUAT GAINS!!!!!!