Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Strength: Pull up cycle
Group 1: 6x5 Banded (we should be aiming at a reduction of band width around now)
Group 2: 6x2 Add weight
Group 3: 4 sets of 80% of your max at the test day

Spend 15 minutes on mobility (Partner stretching, joint mobility etc)

Conditioning: 5 minute AMRAP (This needs to be done fast or its going to be a waste of time)
50 Double unders then AMRAP of
6 Thrusters
12 pull ups

M1: 15/20
Rx: 35/45
M2: 40/50

Extras: 4 rounds of
2 minutes of 20 Cal on assault bike in to max Handstand Push ups or DB shoulder press. Rest 2 minutes repeat.