Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Masters League 17.2

60 double unders/80 single skips
20 wall ball
15 Deadlifts
90 double unders/130 single skips
20 wall balls
15 deadlift
120 double unders/180 single skips
20 wall balls
15 deadlift

M1: WB 3/6kg, Deadlift 40/60
Rx: WB 3/6kg, Deadlift 60/80
M2: WB 6/9kg, Deadlift 80/110

Please note: If competing in this online competition you must check your required weights as the weights programmed here ARE NOT in line with the actual tournament 

Bench Press 6x6. (Use rack closest to the bathrooms if the gym is busy)