Sunday, 30 April 2017


6x6 Bench Press

"CrossFit Baseline" This is a great tester of your fitness. Remember your scores and you can revisit it later to measure improvement.
With a running clock
Row 500m
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups

At the 10 minute mark repeat!

6x1 Heavy Clean and jerk
4x2 Split jerk
4x2 Deadlift

Saturday, 29 April 2017


Part 1:
Ring dips
Push ups

Part 2:
On the assualt bike ride 20 seconds at max effort easy spin over (not stopping) 40 seconds repeat for 10 rounds

Friday, 28 April 2017


Ring row
M1: 5x5
Rx: 5x10
M2: 5x5 Add weight

4 minute AMRAP
20 DB/KB snatch (10 each side) 15/22.5kg DB 16/24kg KB
10 Box jumps
5 Burpees pull ups
Rest 2 minutes.

Repeat 3 times

Extras: 5 sets of
1 snatch balance 3 OH squats

Thursday, 27 April 2017


5x8 Front rack forward stepping lunge (4 each leg)

In pairs complete the following for time:
60 Shoulder to Overhead Rx: 30/40
60 Toes to bar
60 Thrusters Rx: 30/40
60 Burpees
60 Deadlifts Rx: 60/80
60 KB swings Rx: 24/32
60 Pull ups

Note only the Rx weights have been given everyone should choose a weigh that suits them. Because only one will be working at a time we should aim for speed and quality. Not weight moved slowly.

M1: 4x10 Ring rows add small weight
Rx: Practice stringing reps together of Chest to bar
M2:  Practice stringing together Bar Muscle ups

*If you have never done one of the movements listed above you MUST stick to perfecting the movement before it. Please if you have never completed a MUP practice MUP.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Practice time:
Spend 10 minutes working on Double unders

M2: 4x1 minute max effort double unders record scores.

Row 100m* then,

2 Rounds of
10 Squat Cleans
30m Bear crawl
50 Double unders

Then, Run 800m*

* Run or row can be done in any order. If you prefer to row fatigued then run first....... you're welcome 😉

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x5 High hang snatch. Focus on hip explosiveness and straight pull on the bar

3x3 OHS Focus is balance and control NOT total weight moved. 

Power Snatch M1: 15/20 Rx: 35/40
Wall Ball
Toes to bar

5x2 Heavy Snatch pulls

Monday, 24 April 2017


Aussie hero WOD
"Partner BAIRD"

CPL Baird VC MG died how he lived, at the front; giving his all without any indecision.

The 600 metre sprint represents him leading a team into a gunfight at full charge, an action he was known for so don’t hold back; he never did.
He always programmed pull-ups, deadlifts and burpees to maintain his high standard of fitness.
These movements were common on Baird’s battlefield; pulling himself over a wall, carrying a wounded mate, or taking cover when the enemy started firing.
The ‘rest’ is recovery and preparation time for the next round, or in Baird’s case the next course of action on the battlefield.

 In pairs. Run the 600m flat out individually Then the partner Baird begins after the buy in. Each partner will complete their 1 minute on each movement while the other rests.
  • 25 minutes AMRAP
    600m run buy in, 2min men /3 minutes Ladies CAP – on the 2/3min mark the 1 min rounds commence.
    Run under 2mins do extra pull ups,
    Run over 2mins AMRAP the remaining 1min or over 3mins move to the next minute of movements.
    Then into
    3 Rounds AMRAP
    1 min Pull-Ups
    1min Deadlifts 90kg/70kg
    1 min Lateral Burpees
    1 min rest (rounds 1 and 2 only)

Sunday, 23 April 2017


Back squat 6x4

Conditioning: 4 rounds of the following every minute (16 minutes)
Min 1: 1 round of cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
Min 2: 12/15 Cal row
Min 3: 5 Clean and Jerks M1: 25/35 Rx: 45/60

If you don't get the allocated work done in the minutes just move on.

1 minute Max prowler push with half your body weight. Rest 2 minutes and repeat 4 times

Saturday, 22 April 2017


6x4 Snatch grip deadlift

Deadlift 40/60 (Meant to be light)
KB Swing 16/24

Friday, 21 April 2017


 Skill day

Olympic lifting:
Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy Clean and Jerk

3x2. 2 position Power clean. Pause for 2 seconds at the knee and hip. Reset between lifts

5x2 Split jerk

5x2 Clean pulls. Reset between each pull.

Run 1 mile at 60%

Thursday, 20 April 2017


Strength: 5x Max strict pull ups rest 2 minutes max between sets.

M1: Inverted barbell row 5x10

Conditioning: (In pairs)
25 Minute AMRAP
100 Cal row
50 power cleans
100 Cal Assault bike
50 Pull ups

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


Strength: 4x12 Bench Press

Run conditioning:

6 minutes of continuous running. 15 seconds hard 15 seconds easy.

Rest 5 minutes

Row conditioning: (7 and a half minutes continuous rowing)

1 Minute at 2:10 pace
1 minute at 2:00 pace
1 minute at 1:50 pace
30 seconds at 1:40 pace
30 seconds below 1:40 pace
30 seconds at 1:40 pace
1 minute at 1:50 pace
1 minute at 2:00 pace
1 minute at 2:10 pace

Back Squat
2@ 60%
2@ 70%
2@ 80%
2x1 above 90%

Tuesday, 18 April 2017


Deadlift 6x6 touch and go preferred.

3 Minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall balls
20 Cal Row

Rest 3 minutes

3 Minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall balls
20 Cal Bike

Rest 3 minutes

3 minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall Balls
20 Burpees

3 Sets
200m Heavy KB Farmers carry
Rest as needed

Monday, 17 April 2017


Skill: Overhead Squat

Use this time to practice your overhead squat. Resist the urge to load weight on the bar and work through the entire range light first!!!!

Mod 1: 6x2 to a bench Bar/PVC only coach will progress you if need be
Rx and Mod 2: 6x3

4 Rounds for time
5 Overhead squats
10 Pull ups
15 Dips
20 Shoulder to overhead
Run 200m

Mod1: Bar only
Rx: 35/40
Mod 2: 40/50

Muscle up transitions or 5x5 unbroken ring muscle ups, or 5x Max  (5 max) unbroken ring muscle ups

Sunday, 16 April 2017


In pairs 10 minutes AMRAP:

3 Burpee box jumps
3 Strict pull ups
One works one rests

Rest 5 minutes

In 5 minutes one partner runs 100m while the other accumulates as many ground to overhead reps as possible. Score is total ground to overhead. 

Saturday, 15 April 2017


Want something to do???? Choose one of the following:

  • Every 10 minutes run 1 mile as fast as you can and rest the remaining time. Repeat 3 times!
  • 60 minute fast walk 
  • 30 minute run walk. Run as fast as you can for 15 seconds walk fast for the remaining 45 seconds of every minute.
  • Swim. 
    •  Swim 500m 
    • 2x 100m at about 70% effort
    • 4x 50m at about 80% effort
    • 6x 25m flat out 25m recovery stroke

Friday, 14 April 2017


21 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: Run 200m
Minute 2: 8 Thrusters
Minute 3: 10 Handstand push ups

M1: 15/20 and DB press
Rx: 30/45
M2: 30/45 and 8 strict handstand push ups

Thursday, 13 April 2017


Team Day!!!

In teams of 3 complete the following for 19 minutes:
15 Cal row
12 Power snatch
9 Toes to bar

One person works and completes a whole round while the other 2 cheer them on.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Strength: Back Squat
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 2

6 Minute AMRAP
32 Double unders
16 Burpee box jumps
8 Power cleans

M1: 25/35
Rx: 45/60
M2: 60/ 80

3x5 Snatch pulls
3x3 Snatch balance
3x3 Snatch grip dead lifts pause at the knee

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Skill: Split jerk

M2: 8x2 Split jerk off the rack for the first

Conditioning: With a running clock complete the following in each time allocated
0-4: Run 400m
4-6: Max burpees
6-10: Run 400m
10-12: Max push ups
12-16: Run 400m
16-18: Max wall walks
18-22: Run 400m

Monday, 10 April 2017


6x6 Single arm KB/DB row each side

4 Minute AMRAP
8 Pull ups
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlift
Rest 4 minutes
4 Minute AMRAP
8 Chest to bar
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlifts
Rest 4 minutes
4 Minute AMRAP
8 Pull ups
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlift

R1 & 3:
M1: 40/50
Rx: 60/70
M2: 80/90

M1:Appropriate to enable you to cycle reps.
Rx: 70/80
M2: 90/100

Note the weight increases for the second round and decreases back to the same as the first round in the 3rd round. Today's focus is fast minimal rest workouts. DO NOT load the bar up and make the weight to challenging. FOCUS on reps completed not weight moved!!!!

Front Squat

Sunday, 9 April 2017


Olympic lifting:
10 minutes to find a heavy Snatch. Then,
3x3 high hang squat snatch

Buy in 20/30 Cal row
5 Rounds of
5 Power snatch
10 Toes to bar
Cash out 20/30 Cal row

M1: 20/30
Rx: 35/40
M2: 45/60

Complete the following set 5 times with 1 minute between efforts:
6 Pull ups
4 Chest to Bar
2 Bar Muscle ups

Saturday, 8 April 2017


Strength: 4x8 Floor press

Conditioning: CrossFit Open 11.2
15 Minute AMRAP
9 deadlifts
12 Push ups
15 Box jumps

Rx: 45/70

Or use this time to work on a skill, catch up on extras or a WOD, mobilize and socialize ;-)

Friday, 7 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
3x3 Squat snatch
3x3 Power snatch
3x3 Snatch grip deadlifts

Conditioning: For time complete the following
15 Power snatch
15 Box jumps
10 Power snatch
10 Box jumps
5 Power snatch
5 Box jumps

M1: 15/20

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Part 1 in pairs row 2000m for time swap anyhow.

In pairs: 2 minutes on 1 minute off complete each exercise once for max reps.
1, Double unders
2, Deadball slams
3, Deadball wall balls
4, 10m Partner ball throws

Extras: Every 2 minutes complete 2 legless rope climbs

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


Strength endurance: 20 rep max shoulder press

Conditioning: For time (20 minute cap)
Run 800m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 400m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 200m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 100m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


Strength: 5x5 Front squat

Barbell contitioning:
4 minute EMOM
2 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 jerks

Rest 1 minute

Max double unders in 60 seconds

Rest 2 minutes

4 minute EMOM
2 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 jerks

Extras: 3 Rounds not for time
20 Hip extentions

Monday, 3 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x2 Clean increasing weight each set.

M1 & M2: If you are proficient at the squat clean do these otherwise work on your pull to get max hip extension and height.

Conditioning: 13 minute AMRAP
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang power cleans
9 Front squats
6 Shoulder to over head
3 Thrusters

M1: 20/30
Rx: 35/45
M2: 45/60

Extras: 6x3 Clean pull with a pause at the knee 

Sunday, 2 April 2017


Part 1: 8 minute EMOM
Even minutes: 10 Shoulder tap handstands against the wall. (M1: Handstand holds or continue on building up shoulder strength with standing DB shoulder press)
Odd minutes: 25 Hollow rocks

Part 2: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 8 minutes
Max 10m shuttles across gym floor

Rest 4 minutes

Part 3: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 8 minutes
Max distance rowing.

Extras: 4x4 Back squat aiming for >80%

Saturday, 1 April 2017


Barbell conditioning 1:
8 minute EMOM
2 Power cleans
2 Shoulder to over head
2 Front squats

Barbell conditioning 2:
Death by Hang power snatch