Monday, 24 April 2017


Aussie hero WOD
"Partner BAIRD"

CPL Baird VC MG died how he lived, at the front; giving his all without any indecision.

The 600 metre sprint represents him leading a team into a gunfight at full charge, an action he was known for so don’t hold back; he never did.
He always programmed pull-ups, deadlifts and burpees to maintain his high standard of fitness.
These movements were common on Baird’s battlefield; pulling himself over a wall, carrying a wounded mate, or taking cover when the enemy started firing.
The ‘rest’ is recovery and preparation time for the next round, or in Baird’s case the next course of action on the battlefield.

 In pairs. Run the 600m flat out individually Then the partner Baird begins after the buy in. Each partner will complete their 1 minute on each movement while the other rests.
  • 25 minutes AMRAP
    600m run buy in, 2min men /3 minutes Ladies CAP – on the 2/3min mark the 1 min rounds commence.
    Run under 2mins do extra pull ups,
    Run over 2mins AMRAP the remaining 1min or over 3mins move to the next minute of movements.
    Then into
    3 Rounds AMRAP
    1 min Pull-Ups
    1min Deadlifts 90kg/70kg
    1 min Lateral Burpees
    1 min rest (rounds 1 and 2 only)