Thursday 19 November 2015


Partner WOD for max reps:

Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Wallballs, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of KB swings, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Double Unders, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Wall Walks, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Front Squats, then swap.

KB Swings - L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16kg.
Front Squats - L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30kg.

Combine total reps.

25 minute cutoff.