Saturday, 3 June 2017


2 rounds for time
32 Heavy KB Swings
16 Burpees
8 Dips
4 Handstand push ups (M1: DB L sit shoulder press)

Friday, 2 June 2017


Skill: 4x6 Hang snatch (Use time to focus on bar path and initial pull)

Conditioning: "Cement mixer"

Every 4 minutes complete the following 6 times
Run 400
12 Toes to bar

Thursday, 1 June 2017


Strength: 5x8 Bent over row

Conditioning: 22 minute AMRAP in pairs. Split it however you like, both people complete all the runs.
30 Thrusters
30 Box jumps
Run 200m
30 Pull ups

M1: 15/20
Rx: 30/40
M2: 35/45

Every 2 minutes complete 3 rope climbs to the roof

Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Skill: Squat snatch with a pause at the bottom.
Use this day as a skill day. If you are proficient at this lift then you are free to test yourself with heavy weight. Otherwise use the coach and focus on technique

Conditioning: 4 Rounds for time with a 20 cal on the assault bike buy in.
10 Front rack lunge steps
10 Shoulder to overhead
10 Burpees
10 Hang power cleans
20 Cal assault bike cash out

4x10 Back extentions
3x8 Back squat

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Masters league 17.4

16min AMRAP – Total Reps
9 Calorie Row
21 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Thrusters
15 Calorie Row
15Bar Facing Burpees
15 Thrusters
21 Calorie Row
9 Bar Facing Burpees
21 Thrusters

( 30/20kg, 40/30kg, 45/35kg)

Monday, 29 May 2017


Strength: 6x6 Bench press

Conditioning: For time
Row 1500m
50 Double unders
40 Wall balls
50 double unders
40 Wall balls
Row 500m

Sunday, 28 May 2017


Skill 1: Split jerk

Conditioning: With a running clock
0-5 minutes: Sprint 400m
5-10 minutes: Sprint 400m
at the 15 minutes mark complete a 6 minute AMRAP:
5 wall walks
5 power cleans
5 burpees over the bar
at the 25 minute mark sprint 400m

Record all the run times as well as WOD score

6x4 Overhead squat
6x2 Snatch grip push press

Saturday, 27 May 2017


17 minute AMRAP
10 Deadball slams
15 Burpee box jumps
20 Cal assault bike

Friday, 26 May 2017


Strength: 4x8 Strict press

5 rounds for time
5 Pull ups
10 Power cleans
25 Wall balls

M1: 25/35
M2: 70/80

Thursday, 25 May 2017


Olympic lifting skills: 10 minute EMOM
1x Power clean
1x Jerk
1x High Hang clean
1x Jerk
1x Front squat

Conditioning: In pairs. 2 rounds of:
8 Pull ups (M2: Ring muscle ups)
40 Clean and jerks
40 Handstand push ups (M1: Push press)
40 Power snatch
40 Double unders
40 Overhead squats

6x2 Back squat

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Strength: Pull up cycle
Group 1: 6x5 Banded (we should be aiming at a reduction of band width around now)
Group 2: 6x2 Add weight
Group 3: 4 sets of 80% of your max at the test day

Spend 15 minutes on mobility (Partner stretching, joint mobility etc)

Conditioning: 5 minute AMRAP (This needs to be done fast or its going to be a waste of time)
50 Double unders then AMRAP of
6 Thrusters
12 pull ups

M1: 15/20
Rx: 35/45
M2: 40/50

Extras: 4 rounds of
2 minutes of 20 Cal on assault bike in to max Handstand Push ups or DB shoulder press. Rest 2 minutes repeat.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


Master league 17.3

3 Rounds for time of
15 Hand release push ups
15 Squat cleans 25/35*

3 rounds for time
15 Wall walks
15 squat cleans 35/40*

3 rounds for time
15 Handstand push ups
15 Squat cleans 50/70

*these numbers are not the same as the actual masters league. If you are registered please check your weights to confirm what you are required to do.

50x Sandbag burpee cleans
10x3 Heavy (65kgs) deadball throw overs

Monday, 22 May 2017


Strength: Pull up cycle
Group 1: 6x4 off a box with as slow as possible tempo.
Group 2&3: 6x Max efforts Rest 2 minutes MAX

Conditioning: With a running clock a 5 Minute AMRAP
1 Pull up
1 KB swing
2 Pull ups
2 KB swing
3 Pull ups
3 KB swings
4 Pull ups
4 KB swings

At 5 minutes record your score rest till clock reaches 10 minutes and repeat

4x6 Snatch Grip deadlifts

Sunday, 21 May 2017


Olympic Lifting skill:
6 Minute EMOM
1x Power snatch
1x Hang power snatch
1x Overhead squat
All 3 every minute. If you are proficient at the squat snatch. Complete a squat hang snatch

Conditioning: For time (Time cap 20 minutes)
30 Pull ups
Run 400m
15 Hang squat clean
Run 800m
15 Squat clean
Run 400m
30 pull ups

M1: 25/35 No squat for the cleans
Rx: 45/60
M2: 70/80

Saturday, 20 May 2017


Part 1
Conditioning: "Linda"
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of
1.5 times body weight Deadlift
Body weight Bench press
3/4 body weight clean

Part 2
Tempo runs
Run 400m at 70% of your max effort. Focus on stride length consistency, breathing frequency and being light on your feet.

Rest 3 minutes and repeat 4 times

Friday, 19 May 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x3 Power snatch
5x3 Snatch push press + 1 Over head squat each set

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, 24, of Batavia, Ohio, disappeared on April 9, 2004, when insurgents south of Baghdad attacked his convoy with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. His remains were found on March 20, 2008. Prior to his disappearance, Maupin served as part of the 724th Transportation Company in Bartonville, Illinois.
He is survived by his mother, Carolyn; father, Keith; a brother and sister; and many other friends and family members.

Conditioning: (30 minute cap)
Hero WOD “Maupin”
Run 800m
49 Push ups
49 Sit ups
49 Squats

Thursday, 18 May 2017


Strength: Pull up cycle
Group 1: 4x6 Eccentric off box
Group 2: 6x4
Group 3: 4x11

Conditioning: In teams of 3
25 Minute AMRAP
50 Cal row
50 C&J
50 Cal row
50 C&J
50 cal row
50 C&J
Max C&J in any remaining time

Set weight at about 70% of your 1RM jerk

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


6x6 Back Squat

Conditioning: For time complete the following
20 KB Swings
20 KB Golbet Squats
20 KB snatch (10 each arm)
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat 3 times (4 rounds total)

Your score will be total time lapsed including all the rests except the last rest.

Max reps of Double unders in 5 minutes

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Masters League 17.2

60 double unders/80 single skips
20 wall ball
15 Deadlifts
90 double unders/130 single skips
20 wall balls
15 deadlift
120 double unders/180 single skips
20 wall balls
15 deadlift

M1: WB 3/6kg, Deadlift 40/60
Rx: WB 3/6kg, Deadlift 60/80
M2: WB 6/9kg, Deadlift 80/110

Please note: If competing in this online competition you must check your required weights as the weights programmed here ARE NOT in line with the actual tournament 

Bench Press 6x6. (Use rack closest to the bathrooms if the gym is busy)

Monday, 15 May 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x3 Clean and Jerk
3x5 Clean pulls

Conditioning: 14 minute EMOM (Every minute in the minute)
Even minutes: 8 Pull ups
Odd minutes: 12 Wall balls

Even: 10 Chest to bar
Odd: 15 Wall balls

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Strength: Pull up cycle

Group 1: 4x6 Banded 1x max effort banded
Group 2: 4x6 and 1x max effort
Group 3: 4x6 Add weight 1x max at body weight

4 minute AMRAP
40 Cal Row then
Max rounds of Cindy*
Rest 4 minutes and repeat 3 rounds

*Cindy is
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air squats

50m Hand stand walk. (Break up as needed) or,
6x6 Strict HSPU or,
6x6 Kipping HSPU

Saturday, 13 May 2017


4x8 Deadlift

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Five rounds for time of:
Dead lift, 12 reps
Hang power clean, 9 reps
Push jerk, 6 reps

M1: 25/35
Rx: 40/50
M2: 70

Friday, 12 May 2017


Strength: 6x6 Bent over row

Conditioning: This workout is light weight and meant to be done quickly.
4 minute AMRAP
15 Snatch
Row 200m
Rest 4 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
30 Air squats
30 Deadlifts
Rest 4 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
10 Chest to bar
10 Thrusters

M1: 15/20
Rx: 25/30
M2: 35/40

Thursday, 11 May 2017


Olympic lifting:
3x3 Power snatch
3x3 Snatch pulls
3x3 Over head squat

In teams of 3
Run 800m together with a kettle bell 24/32 swap the KB when ever you need to then:
2 Rounds for time
45 Burpees
45 Toes to bar
Every member must complete their share before the next member starts. Then:
Run 400m together with kettle bell swap when ever.

Extras: (If you are wanting to improve you pull ups this is important)
M1: 5x5 Negative off a box pull ups
Rx: 50 Pull ups in as few a sets as possible (10 minutes time cap)

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Push jerk

Run 400m
21 Hang cleans
21 Shoulder to overhead
Run 400m
15 Hang cleans
15 Shoulder to overhead
Run 400m
9 Hang cleans
9 Shoulder to overhead

M1: 15/20
Rx: 40/50 Handstand push ups if the member is proficient
M2: 60/80 and Hand stand push ups

10 Min EMOM
2 Power cleans
2 Front squats
2 Jerks

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Strength: 6x3 Back squat with a 2 second pause in the bottom

Masters league 17.1*
13min Continuous Clock
10min AMRAP
35 Box Jump
30 Air Squat
25 Pull Ups / Jumping PullUps
20 Kettle Bell Swings 12/20
3min AMRAP
Ground to Overhead 25/45

*If you are doing this as an official masters league WOD please check you use the correct weights

Monday, 8 May 2017


Strength: Pull ups
Don't have a strict pull up yet: Using smallest bands possible 3x3 then 3x2 then 1 set of as many as you can do
Less than 5 People: 3x3 then 3x2 then 1 set of as many as you can do
6-15 People: 3x4 then 1x3 then 1x max
15+ people: 3x10 then 1x8 then 1x max

Conditioning: 15 AMRAP
15 Box jump overs
12 Power cleans
9 Box dips

M1: 20/30
Rx: 40/50
M2: 50/60 and ring dips

50 GDH Sit ups
50 Back extensions

Sunday, 7 May 2017


Sunday repeat 

Olympic Lifting:
6x2 Hang squat clean

30 seconds on 30 seconds off
Hollow hold and super man pulses
5 sets of each

Conditioning: 14 Minute AMRAP
15 Hang squat cleans
15 Cal Row
15 Burpees over the rower

Saturday, 6 May 2017


Olympic Lifting:
6x2 Hang squat clean

30 seconds on 30 seconds off
Hollow hold and super man pulses
5 sets of each

Conditioning: 14 Minute AMRAP
15 Hang squat cleans
15 Cal Row
15 Burpees over the rower

Friday, 5 May 2017



10 Rounds for time
5 Thursters 45/30
10 Pull ups
100m Sprint
Rest 1 minute

Clock will run and each individual is responsible for their 1 minute rest time. NO 54 second rests strict 60 😉

Thursday, 4 May 2017


1 round Max effort strict pull ups*^

* Must remain on the bar can rest for no longer than 5 seconds at the dead hang
^ if you can not complete a strict pull up use a band that will allow you to get your chin over the bar. Then complete the test with the band

Strength: In specified groups
Group 1: 5x2 Off the box eccentric pull ups and one set of max hold with chin over the bar
Group 2: 4x4 and 1 set of max effort at the end
Group 3: 4x8 and 1 set of max effort at the end

Conditioning: 2 Rounds for time of the following. Each partner MUST complete half the work. One works at a time
Run 400m
26 Push ups
Run 400m
26 KB swings
Run 400m
26 Toes to bar
Run 400m
26 Deadlifts
Run 400m
26 Wall Balls
Run 400m
26 Box jumps

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


Olympic lifting:
spend 15 minutes on the following complex. Rest as needed and focus on technique before progressing in weight

1x Squat snatch
1x Power snatch
1x Hang snatch
1x Overhead squat

If possible maintain your grip on the bar and touch and go the whole complex. However if breaking it up will help you understand and work on points then you are free to do that also.

4 Minute AMRAP
30 Power snatch 30/40
30 Overhead squats then
Max burpees in the remaining time if any.

Rest 4 minutes repeat 3 times

M1: Delete Overhead squat and insert back squat
M2: You will need to increase the weight every 4 minutes as follows R1: 30/40 R2: 40/50 R3: 45/60

4x 400m efforts. Rest half the amount it takes to to complete each round

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


6x4 Front squat across*

* across meaning warm up and start your sets at about 75-85%. All 6 sets are working sets

9 Minute AMRAP
10 Double unders (DUB's)
2 KB Swings
20 DUB's
4 KB swings
30 DUB's 
8 KB swings
40 DUB's
16 KB Swings
50 DUB's
32 KB Swings
and so on until 9 minutes. DUB's go up by 10 each round. KB swings double the last rounds number you did each round.

Spend 15 minutes rolling, stretching, socializing, mobilizing before running away.

Monday, 1 May 2017


Part 1:
Row conditioning
10 Rounds
30 seconds max effort
30 Second rest

Part 2: 10 minute EMOM
Even minutes: 10 pull ups (M1: Ring rows)
Odd minutes: 6 Wall walks (M2: Strict handstand push ups)

Rope climbing
M1: Rope pulls from the floor
Rx: 2 accents without touching the ground
M2: 2 accents legless without touching the ground

Sunday, 30 April 2017


6x6 Bench Press

"CrossFit Baseline" This is a great tester of your fitness. Remember your scores and you can revisit it later to measure improvement.
With a running clock
Row 500m
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups

At the 10 minute mark repeat!

6x1 Heavy Clean and jerk
4x2 Split jerk
4x2 Deadlift

Saturday, 29 April 2017


Part 1:
Ring dips
Push ups

Part 2:
On the assualt bike ride 20 seconds at max effort easy spin over (not stopping) 40 seconds repeat for 10 rounds

Friday, 28 April 2017


Ring row
M1: 5x5
Rx: 5x10
M2: 5x5 Add weight

4 minute AMRAP
20 DB/KB snatch (10 each side) 15/22.5kg DB 16/24kg KB
10 Box jumps
5 Burpees pull ups
Rest 2 minutes.

Repeat 3 times

Extras: 5 sets of
1 snatch balance 3 OH squats

Thursday, 27 April 2017


5x8 Front rack forward stepping lunge (4 each leg)

In pairs complete the following for time:
60 Shoulder to Overhead Rx: 30/40
60 Toes to bar
60 Thrusters Rx: 30/40
60 Burpees
60 Deadlifts Rx: 60/80
60 KB swings Rx: 24/32
60 Pull ups

Note only the Rx weights have been given everyone should choose a weigh that suits them. Because only one will be working at a time we should aim for speed and quality. Not weight moved slowly.

M1: 4x10 Ring rows add small weight
Rx: Practice stringing reps together of Chest to bar
M2:  Practice stringing together Bar Muscle ups

*If you have never done one of the movements listed above you MUST stick to perfecting the movement before it. Please if you have never completed a MUP practice MUP.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Practice time:
Spend 10 minutes working on Double unders

M2: 4x1 minute max effort double unders record scores.

Row 100m* then,

2 Rounds of
10 Squat Cleans
30m Bear crawl
50 Double unders

Then, Run 800m*

* Run or row can be done in any order. If you prefer to row fatigued then run first....... you're welcome 😉

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x5 High hang snatch. Focus on hip explosiveness and straight pull on the bar

3x3 OHS Focus is balance and control NOT total weight moved. 

Power Snatch M1: 15/20 Rx: 35/40
Wall Ball
Toes to bar

5x2 Heavy Snatch pulls

Monday, 24 April 2017


Aussie hero WOD
"Partner BAIRD"

CPL Baird VC MG died how he lived, at the front; giving his all without any indecision.

The 600 metre sprint represents him leading a team into a gunfight at full charge, an action he was known for so don’t hold back; he never did.
He always programmed pull-ups, deadlifts and burpees to maintain his high standard of fitness.
These movements were common on Baird’s battlefield; pulling himself over a wall, carrying a wounded mate, or taking cover when the enemy started firing.
The ‘rest’ is recovery and preparation time for the next round, or in Baird’s case the next course of action on the battlefield.

 In pairs. Run the 600m flat out individually Then the partner Baird begins after the buy in. Each partner will complete their 1 minute on each movement while the other rests.
  • 25 minutes AMRAP
    600m run buy in, 2min men /3 minutes Ladies CAP – on the 2/3min mark the 1 min rounds commence.
    Run under 2mins do extra pull ups,
    Run over 2mins AMRAP the remaining 1min or over 3mins move to the next minute of movements.
    Then into
    3 Rounds AMRAP
    1 min Pull-Ups
    1min Deadlifts 90kg/70kg
    1 min Lateral Burpees
    1 min rest (rounds 1 and 2 only)

Sunday, 23 April 2017


Back squat 6x4

Conditioning: 4 rounds of the following every minute (16 minutes)
Min 1: 1 round of cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
Min 2: 12/15 Cal row
Min 3: 5 Clean and Jerks M1: 25/35 Rx: 45/60

If you don't get the allocated work done in the minutes just move on.

1 minute Max prowler push with half your body weight. Rest 2 minutes and repeat 4 times

Saturday, 22 April 2017


6x4 Snatch grip deadlift

Deadlift 40/60 (Meant to be light)
KB Swing 16/24

Friday, 21 April 2017


 Skill day

Olympic lifting:
Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy Clean and Jerk

3x2. 2 position Power clean. Pause for 2 seconds at the knee and hip. Reset between lifts

5x2 Split jerk

5x2 Clean pulls. Reset between each pull.

Run 1 mile at 60%

Thursday, 20 April 2017


Strength: 5x Max strict pull ups rest 2 minutes max between sets.

M1: Inverted barbell row 5x10

Conditioning: (In pairs)
25 Minute AMRAP
100 Cal row
50 power cleans
100 Cal Assault bike
50 Pull ups

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


Strength: 4x12 Bench Press

Run conditioning:

6 minutes of continuous running. 15 seconds hard 15 seconds easy.

Rest 5 minutes

Row conditioning: (7 and a half minutes continuous rowing)

1 Minute at 2:10 pace
1 minute at 2:00 pace
1 minute at 1:50 pace
30 seconds at 1:40 pace
30 seconds below 1:40 pace
30 seconds at 1:40 pace
1 minute at 1:50 pace
1 minute at 2:00 pace
1 minute at 2:10 pace

Back Squat
2@ 60%
2@ 70%
2@ 80%
2x1 above 90%

Tuesday, 18 April 2017


Deadlift 6x6 touch and go preferred.

3 Minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall balls
20 Cal Row

Rest 3 minutes

3 Minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall balls
20 Cal Bike

Rest 3 minutes

3 minute AMRAP
20 Double unders
20 Wall Balls
20 Burpees

3 Sets
200m Heavy KB Farmers carry
Rest as needed

Monday, 17 April 2017


Skill: Overhead Squat

Use this time to practice your overhead squat. Resist the urge to load weight on the bar and work through the entire range light first!!!!

Mod 1: 6x2 to a bench Bar/PVC only coach will progress you if need be
Rx and Mod 2: 6x3

4 Rounds for time
5 Overhead squats
10 Pull ups
15 Dips
20 Shoulder to overhead
Run 200m

Mod1: Bar only
Rx: 35/40
Mod 2: 40/50

Muscle up transitions or 5x5 unbroken ring muscle ups, or 5x Max  (5 max) unbroken ring muscle ups

Sunday, 16 April 2017


In pairs 10 minutes AMRAP:

3 Burpee box jumps
3 Strict pull ups
One works one rests

Rest 5 minutes

In 5 minutes one partner runs 100m while the other accumulates as many ground to overhead reps as possible. Score is total ground to overhead. 

Saturday, 15 April 2017


Want something to do???? Choose one of the following:

  • Every 10 minutes run 1 mile as fast as you can and rest the remaining time. Repeat 3 times!
  • 60 minute fast walk 
  • 30 minute run walk. Run as fast as you can for 15 seconds walk fast for the remaining 45 seconds of every minute.
  • Swim. 
    •  Swim 500m 
    • 2x 100m at about 70% effort
    • 4x 50m at about 80% effort
    • 6x 25m flat out 25m recovery stroke

Friday, 14 April 2017


21 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: Run 200m
Minute 2: 8 Thrusters
Minute 3: 10 Handstand push ups

M1: 15/20 and DB press
Rx: 30/45
M2: 30/45 and 8 strict handstand push ups

Thursday, 13 April 2017


Team Day!!!

In teams of 3 complete the following for 19 minutes:
15 Cal row
12 Power snatch
9 Toes to bar

One person works and completes a whole round while the other 2 cheer them on.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Strength: Back Squat
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 2

6 Minute AMRAP
32 Double unders
16 Burpee box jumps
8 Power cleans

M1: 25/35
Rx: 45/60
M2: 60/ 80

3x5 Snatch pulls
3x3 Snatch balance
3x3 Snatch grip dead lifts pause at the knee

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Skill: Split jerk

M2: 8x2 Split jerk off the rack for the first

Conditioning: With a running clock complete the following in each time allocated
0-4: Run 400m
4-6: Max burpees
6-10: Run 400m
10-12: Max push ups
12-16: Run 400m
16-18: Max wall walks
18-22: Run 400m

Monday, 10 April 2017


6x6 Single arm KB/DB row each side

4 Minute AMRAP
8 Pull ups
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlift
Rest 4 minutes
4 Minute AMRAP
8 Chest to bar
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlifts
Rest 4 minutes
4 Minute AMRAP
8 Pull ups
8 Box jumps
8 Deadlift

R1 & 3:
M1: 40/50
Rx: 60/70
M2: 80/90

M1:Appropriate to enable you to cycle reps.
Rx: 70/80
M2: 90/100

Note the weight increases for the second round and decreases back to the same as the first round in the 3rd round. Today's focus is fast minimal rest workouts. DO NOT load the bar up and make the weight to challenging. FOCUS on reps completed not weight moved!!!!

Front Squat

Sunday, 9 April 2017


Olympic lifting:
10 minutes to find a heavy Snatch. Then,
3x3 high hang squat snatch

Buy in 20/30 Cal row
5 Rounds of
5 Power snatch
10 Toes to bar
Cash out 20/30 Cal row

M1: 20/30
Rx: 35/40
M2: 45/60

Complete the following set 5 times with 1 minute between efforts:
6 Pull ups
4 Chest to Bar
2 Bar Muscle ups

Saturday, 8 April 2017


Strength: 4x8 Floor press

Conditioning: CrossFit Open 11.2
15 Minute AMRAP
9 deadlifts
12 Push ups
15 Box jumps

Rx: 45/70

Or use this time to work on a skill, catch up on extras or a WOD, mobilize and socialize ;-)

Friday, 7 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
3x3 Squat snatch
3x3 Power snatch
3x3 Snatch grip deadlifts

Conditioning: For time complete the following
15 Power snatch
15 Box jumps
10 Power snatch
10 Box jumps
5 Power snatch
5 Box jumps

M1: 15/20

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Part 1 in pairs row 2000m for time swap anyhow.

In pairs: 2 minutes on 1 minute off complete each exercise once for max reps.
1, Double unders
2, Deadball slams
3, Deadball wall balls
4, 10m Partner ball throws

Extras: Every 2 minutes complete 2 legless rope climbs

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


Strength endurance: 20 rep max shoulder press

Conditioning: For time (20 minute cap)
Run 800m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 400m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 200m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees
Run 100m
15 Pull ups
9 Burpees

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


Strength: 5x5 Front squat

Barbell contitioning:
4 minute EMOM
2 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 jerks

Rest 1 minute

Max double unders in 60 seconds

Rest 2 minutes

4 minute EMOM
2 Power clean
2 Front squats
2 jerks

Extras: 3 Rounds not for time
20 Hip extentions

Monday, 3 April 2017


Olympic Lifting:
5x2 Clean increasing weight each set.

M1 & M2: If you are proficient at the squat clean do these otherwise work on your pull to get max hip extension and height.

Conditioning: 13 minute AMRAP
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang power cleans
9 Front squats
6 Shoulder to over head
3 Thrusters

M1: 20/30
Rx: 35/45
M2: 45/60

Extras: 6x3 Clean pull with a pause at the knee 

Sunday, 2 April 2017


Part 1: 8 minute EMOM
Even minutes: 10 Shoulder tap handstands against the wall. (M1: Handstand holds or continue on building up shoulder strength with standing DB shoulder press)
Odd minutes: 25 Hollow rocks

Part 2: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 8 minutes
Max 10m shuttles across gym floor

Rest 4 minutes

Part 3: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 8 minutes
Max distance rowing.

Extras: 4x4 Back squat aiming for >80%

Saturday, 1 April 2017


Barbell conditioning 1:
8 minute EMOM
2 Power cleans
2 Shoulder to over head
2 Front squats

Barbell conditioning 2:
Death by Hang power snatch

Friday, 31 March 2017


Aussie hero WOD "Wood"
5 rounds for time
Run 400m
10 Burpee box jumps
10 Thrusters
Rest 1 minute

M1: 15/20
Rx: 35/45

Thursday, 30 March 2017


Olympic lifting:
6x3 Hang squat clean (Focus on getting tall before changing directions down to get under the bar)

In teams of 3 complete the following for time anyhow:
100 Cal row
100 deadlifts
100 Cal air dyne
100 Shoulder to overhead
100 Air squats

M1: 50/60 and 20/30
Rx: 70/90 and 40/50

Catch up on something you missed this week.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


6x6 Bent over row

4 minute AMRAP
5 Strict pull ups
10 Handstand push ups
15 Toes to bar
30 Double unders
Rest 4 minutes
Repeat above
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat above

Mid-line conditioning:
5 sets of max L-Sit holds on pull up bar
then 50 GHD Sit ups

Tuesday, 28 March 2017


Back Squat
1x5 @ 75%
1x4 @ 80%
1x2 @ 90%
2x1 >90%

12 minute AMRAP
10 Box jumps
10 Power clean and jerks
10 Push ups
Run 100m

M1: 20/30
Rx: 50/60

6x3 Sott press

Monday, 27 March 2017


Handstand conditioning:
5x 20 second free standing partner handstands. Focus on weight shifting from fingers to heel of the palm

Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time
21 KB Swings
15 Wall balls
9 Burpee

M1: 12/16
Rx: 24/32

8x2 Push jerk / Split jerk

Sunday, 26 March 2017


Olympic lifting:
6x1 Squat snatch working up to a challenging weight. (Don't rush this)
5x2 Snatch pulls @ 100% of current 1RM

5 minute AMRAP
Run 200m
10 power snatch

Rest 3 minutes

5 minute AMRAP
Run 200m
5 power snatch

M1: 20/30
Rx: 35/40
M2: 45/60

30 minute Walk

Saturday, 25 March 2017


4x12 Bench Press

Conditioning: For time complete the following
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters
30 Pull ups

Rx: 20kg

20 Rope climbs to the roof.

Friday, 24 March 2017


17.5 The finale for the 2017 CrossFit Open

Thursday, 23 March 2017


Handstand Conditioning:
Complete the following for 5 Reps
Handstand kick up
3-5 Second Eccentric Handstand push up. At the bottom reset
Repeat 5 times

Conditioning Part 1:
In pairs. One person completes all of one exercise. The partner takes over on the next exercise finishing all the reps. Then swaps back
12 Minute AMRAP
10x Sumo deadlift high pulls
10 Burpees
10 Power snatch

M1: 15/20
Rx: 30/40

Conditioning Part 2:
Tabata 20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 8 rounds. Meaning 4 of each exercise)
Hollow rocks
Superman Pulses

Wednesday, 22 March 2017


5x5 Overhead Squat
M2: One set of each 5,4,3,3,2,2 (Feeling good? Delete the last set of 2 and attempt a PR for 1)

Conditioning Part 1:
8 Minute AMRAP
12 KB swings
5 Burpees
12 KB Goblet squats
5 Burpees
M1: 12/16 Rx: 16/24 M2: 24/32

Conditioning Part 2:
For time row 500m

Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Barbell conditioning: 8 Minute EMOM
5x Clean and Jerks every minute

M1: 25/35
Rx: 40/50
M2: 70% of 1RM

2 Minute AMRAP
Max meters weighted overhead lunge walk M1: 5/10 Huge the plate not OH Rx: 10/15 M2: 15/20
Rest 2 minute
2 Minute AMRAP
Max wall balls
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minute AMRAP
Max box jump overs
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minutes AMRAP
Max Double unders M1: Double unders Rx: Double unders M2: Double unders

5x3 Back Squat DON'T LOSE THE SQUAT GAINS!!!!!!

Monday, 20 March 2017


Strength: 6x6 Inverted barbell row 

Slow and deliberate down phase. Tempo Explode up 3-5 seconds down. Add weight as required.

Conditioning: 20 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: 200m Run
Minute 2: 8 Toes to bar
Minute 3: Calorie row 12/15
Minute 4: Rest

5x5 Strict press

Sunday, 19 March 2017


Olympic lifting: Spend 10 minutes to work up to a heavy Squat clean.

Mod 1: 2 second pause in the bottom of the squat.

5 Rounds for time using 80% of the weight achieved in the above Olympic lifting.
3x Power cleans
5x Front squats
7x Pull ups

Mod 2: Delete Pull up insert Ring muscle up

3 Rounds for time
20 Plate sit ups (Make the weight difficult)
10 Box jumps. (Extra high height for box jumps. You choose height)

Saturday, 18 March 2017


Part 1:
Barbell conditioning
8 Minute EMOM
Even: 4 Clean and Jerks (70% ish)
Odd: 2 Snatch
If numbers permit set up 2 barbells.

Part 2: 8 Minute EMOM
M1: 8 L Sit DB press
Rx: 8 Handstand push ups
M2: 8m Handstand walk

Friday, 17 March 2017



Thursday, 16 March 2017


Conditioning: In pairs for 20 minutes AMRAP
One partner working at a time
Row 300m
10 Clusters
Rx: 35/45 M1: 25/35

Spend 15 minutes on mobility and partner stretching

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Push press
5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2

Conditioning: (Time cap 25 minutes)
10 rounds for time 
Running Cindy
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Run 100m

6x3 Overhead Squat

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Olympic lifting:
Hang power snatch 6x2 (Focus here on full hip extension and getting as tall as you can)

Pausing drop snatch 4x3 (Focus here is receiving the bar in the bottom of the overhead squat. Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom before standing up)

12 Minute AMRAP
60 Double unders
30 Wall balls
15 dips

M1: 20 Double unders (Must practice doubles)

4 rounds for time
15 GHD Sit ups
5 Laying rope pulls

(Lay flat on the ground and pull your body up the rope until you are standing as tall as possible)

Monday, 13 March 2017


Handstand conditioning:
40 seconds on 20 seconds off for 10 minutes
Hollow hold
Front facing handstand holds

M1: Handstand hold to be on the box in the pike position

Conditioning: With a running clock
0-4 min: Run 400m
4-8 min: 30 Box jumps
8-12 min: Run 400m
12-16 min: 30 Box jumps
16-20 min: Run 400m
20-24 min: 30 Box jumps

Sunday, 12 March 2017


Back Squat set of 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2

5 Minute AMRAP
15 Back squat (Cleaned off the ground)
15 Pull ups
Rx: 50/40 M1: 35/25

Rest 4 minutes

5 Minute AMRAP
15/12 Cal row
15 Toes to bar

10 Minutes to build up to a heavy clean then:
10 Minute EMOM
Even minute: 2 Cleans at the weight above
Odd Minute: 8 Deadball slams

Saturday, 11 March 2017


2 option Sunday!

Option 1:
Complete the workout from a day you missed this week.

Run 5000m

Friday, 10 March 2017



Thursday, 9 March 2017


Part 1:
In teams of 4 every 3 minutes complete
4 rounds of 30 seconds max effort on air dyne straight in to 30 seconds max effort burpees.

(You will work for 60 seconds then rest for 60 seconds. There is 60 second extra rest for whole team each round)

Part 2:
5x5 strict press <80%. (Pre fatigued. This should force you to focus on midline stability)

Part 3:
Back in your team of 4 complete a 6 minute AMRAP one team member works at a time flat out
4x 10m Shuttle.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Olympic lifting:
Squat clean and jerk

Mod 1: Hang clean and jerk

For time complete the following
Buy in 1000m Row / 800m run
Then 2 rounds of:
25 box jumps
25 Hand release push ups
25 Thrusters   M1: 20/30 Rx: 35/45
25 KB swings
Cash out do which ever one you didn't buy in with 1000m row / 800m run

Extras: 3 rounds of the following rest 1 minute between each exercise
20 Weighted sit ups
20 weighted back extensions.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Strength / Skill:
5x5 Overhead squat

If you are not all over this movement DO NOT use this time to pile the weight on. Use this time with the coach to go through the movement with a stick or light weight. Squat to a box / ball. As soon as you feel the weight shift from your heels to the ball of your foot this is as deep as you should go today. Work on mobility!!!

16 minute AMRAP
10 Deadlifts
10 Toes to bar
10 Wall balls
10 pull ups

Mod 1: 40/50
Rx: 50/70
Mod 2: 90/100

Split jerk. Work up to a heavy double then complete 6x2

Monday, 6 March 2017


Part 1: 3 Rounds for time

Run 400m
21 Hang power cleans
15 Step back lunge
9 Burpees over the bar

Mod1: 25/40
Rx: 35/40
Mod 2: 50/60

Part 2:

12 Minute EMOM
Even minutes: Complete 10/15 Calorie row
Odd minutes: Complete either 10 Kipping handstand push ups or 10 L Sit dumbbell press

Squat clean with a 2 second pause at rock bottom
1x3 @ 60%
1x2 @ 70%
1x2 @ 80%
1x1 @ 90%
1x1 above 90%

Sunday, 5 March 2017


Olympic lifting:
  1. In 3 sets of 2 work up to a challenging power snatch. (3 working sets. Warm up first)
  2. 3x3 snatch grip dead lift. Aim for over 100% of your current 1 RM snatch

4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
15 Power snatch
Rest 4 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
12 Power snatch
Rest 4 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
30 Double unders
9 power snatch

(Walk around during the rest. Don't collapse on the floor 😉) 

Rx: 35/40, 45/50, 50/60
Mod 1: 15/20, 20/30, 25/40

Back Squat 5x3. If you can find time DO THIS!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 4 March 2017


In a rotation fashion complete each workout:

Station 1:
5 Rounds for time
5 Higher than usual box jumps
20m Prowler push add half body weight

Station 2:
4 Rope climbs to the roof
2 Legless rope climbs to the roof

Station 3:
1 minute on 1 minute off
AMRAP DB clusters

Station 4:
Tabata Double unders for max reps

Friday, 3 March 2017


CrossFit 2017 Open 17.2

Thursday, 2 March 2017


Spend time working up to your workout weight for both Power clean and jerk and power snatch.

Barbell conditioning: In pairs
Partner grace
60 Power clean and Jerks
1 Rep alternating between partners
Straight in to
60 Power snatch
1 Rep alternating between partners

Note: Ideally you will complete this workout out with the same bar. However you are permitted to have 2 bars set up for the Clean and Snatch.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


15 minutes of  mobility pre hab

18 minute AMRAP
10 Double unders (DU)
10 KB swings 32/24
20 DU
10 KB swings
30 DU
10 KB Swing
40 DU
10 KB Swings
50 DU
KB Swings
60 DU etc

Extras: 5x5 Front squat (5 working sets)

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Part 1: Barbell cycle
10 minute EMOM 1 Bear complex per minute
1 Bear complex =
1 Power clean
1 Press (from front to back)
1 Back squat
1 Press (from back to front

You want to set the weight up at around your your 1RM push press as that is going to be the limiter in this complex.

Part 2: With a running clock
0-7 minutes run 800m
7-11 minutes run 400m
11-15 minutes run 400m
15 minutes 10m shuttle 20 times

Extras: Mid line
50 GHD Sit ups
50 Hip extensions

Monday, 27 February 2017


Front squat, one set of the following

3 minute AMRAP
3 Power clean
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
Rest 3 minutes
3 minute AMRAP
3 Power clean
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
Rest 3 minutes
3 minute AMRAP
3 Power clean
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks

Mod 1: Round 1 15/20. Rd2 25/30, Rd3 35/40
RX: Round 1 40/50, Rd2 50/60, Rd3 65/80

4 sets of the following:
Max strict hand stand push ups then without rest start max kipping HSPU

Sunday, 26 February 2017


5x5 Strict press

21 Thrusters
21 Toes to bar
Run 400m
15 Thrusters
15 Toes to bar
Run 200m
9 Thrusters
9 Toes to bar
Run 100m

Mod 1: 20/30
Rx: 35/45

Snatch 4x4 Hang squat snatch
4x4 of the following One snatch grip press (Behind the head) One overhead squat

Saturday, 25 February 2017


Catch up on a WOD missed during the week. This week was meant to be a little lighter in load so please don't wreck yourself.

Spend 10 minutes working up to a heavy deadlift.

Diane 21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift @ 60% of your about weight
Handstand push ups

Mod 1:
Delete Handstand push ups. Insert DB L sit press

If you have access to a pool Jump in! Complete the following:
100m easy swim
5 minutes Deep water running
Dynamic stretching (Don't hold each stretch for more than 5 seconds. Do each stretch 10 times each side
5 Minutes deep water running

If you don't have a pool go for a slow relaxing walk with a friend ;-)

Friday, 24 February 2017


CrossFit Open 2017

Workout 17.1

Thursday, 23 February 2017


In pairs (Or 3 if numbers are uneven) complete the following:
2 minutes on 2 minutes off row for max metres (1 minute per person per effort)

After the last 2 minutes rest move straight in to the following: 10 Minute AMRAP (Break up anyhow)
60 Wall balls
60 Burpees
60 Double unders

10 sets of the following complex:
1 Power snatch
1 Overhead squat
1 Squat snatch
1 Overhead squat

Rest as required. Aim for fresh start to each attempt

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Spend 10 minutes on the rollers and prehab

Part 1:
Run 800m not for time (10 minutes max)

Part 2: 9 minute AMRAP
21 Hand release Push ups
15 Dips
9 Shoulder to overhead

Mod 2:
21 Hand release push ups
15 Ring dips
9 Handstand push ups

Spend 10 minutes doing partner stretching

Extras: 20 rep for max weight of deadlifts. (One set of 20 as heavy as you can)

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


Olympic lifting: 12 Minute EMOM
2 Clean and jerks

2 Rounds for time
40 Cal row
20 Thrusters 30/40
10 Pull ups

Mod 2:
2 rounds for time
40 Cal Air dyne
20 Thrusters 40/50
10 Bar muscle ups

5 rounds of
Max double unders
Rest 2 minutes
Practice double unders

Monday, 20 February 2017


Strength: Crossfit Total

Spend 10 minutes working up to your best 1 rep max with the following:
  • Back Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Strict Press
Mod 1: Work up to your best 3 rep max. ( We can calculate your 1 Rep max using a calculator. This will protect your from injury while learning and becoming more comfortable moving weight)


Its a surprise you will have to see the white board.

4 minute AMRAP
16 DB Snatch 22.5/15
16 Hand release push ups
Rest 4 minutes and repeat one more time

Sunday, 19 February 2017


Choose one of the following and work on your ability to either get your first one, get more than one in a row on use the coach to watch you and give you tips on better efficiency.
  1. Bar muscle ups
  2. Butterfly Chest to bar
  3. Butterfly pull ups
  4. Kipping pull ups
  5. Pull up strength. Revisit what you did on Friday
Conditioning: 12 minute AMRAP
200m run
Box jumps
Wall balls 10/6

Extras: Snatch
1 @ 60%
1 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
2 @ 80%

Snatch Balance
5x2 @ 50 - 60%

Saturday, 18 February 2017


2015 CrossFit Open 15.3

14 Minute AMRAP
5 Ring Muscle ups
50 Wall balls
100 Double unders

Mod 1:
5 Pull ups
50 wall balls
100 Double unders multiple by 4 for singles

Friday, 17 February 2017


Strength: Choose one of the following:
1,Weighted pull ups 5,5,5,3,2,1
2, 5x5 Strict pull ups
3, 5x5 Eccentric box pull ups

Conditioning: 18 Minute
Buy in 800m run then
30 KB Swings 32/24
30 Box jumps
30 Cal row
30 Toes to bar

At 18 minutes run 400m

Mod 1:
Buy in 400m run then
20 KB Swings 24/16
20 Box jumps
10 Cal row
10 Toes to bar

At 18 minutes run 400m

Thursday, 16 February 2017


Olympic lifting:
Spend 15 minutes to establish 1 heavy clean and jerk. (Aim for 5-10 good lifts)

Conditioning: In groups of 2 or 3 complete the following in conga line fashion. No overtaking!
Row 1000m
40 Hang cleans 50/40
50 Burpees
100m sprint

Team score is total time for team to get through divided by the number in the team.

Extras: Complete one of the following options:
5 x 5 unbroken ring muscle ups and 100 GHD Sit ups or
100 GHD Sit ups.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017


5x5 Tempo deadlifts
4 seconds to lower the bar till it kisses the ground then explode to the top. Pause for a second at the top and repeat. Should be aiming for around 65-80% 1RM

2013 CrossFit Open WOD 13.2
5 Shoulder to overhead 50/35
10 Deadlifts 50/35
15 Box jumps

Mod 2: 30 inch box jumps

Tuesday, 14 February 2017



Part 1: 8 minute EMOM
Even: 4 power cleans
Odd: 6 Front squats (Cleaned from the floor)

Weights: Choose a challenging weight. Because of the difference across the board here with strength levels I'm not locking in a weight for RX. This session must be individualised!

Part 2: 8 minute AMRAP
10 Power cleans 50/40
10 Lateral burpees over the bar

Mod 1: 40/25
Mod 2: 70/50

Extras: 5x 15 Handstand Push ups (If 15 is to high then go to max)

Monday, 13 February 2017


4x8 each arm One arm KB Row


Part 1:
21 - 15 - 9

Power snatch
Pull ups

Mod 1: Hang power snatch and ring rows
Mod 2: Squat snatch and Chest to bar

Part 2: 400m run holding 2 weight plates in claw grip. You can only move when the plates are held like that.

Every 2 minutes complete this complex 10x 1 Squat snatch and 1 overhead squat @ 70-80%

Sunday, 12 February 2017


6x6 Back Squat at 80%

2 minute max distance row
Rest 2 minutes
2 minutes max rep burpees
Rest 2 minutes
2 minutes max rep double unders

Either max wall ball cleans or max dead ball clean and throws over the shoulder

Saturday, 11 February 2017


Olympic lifting:
Re visit any of the Olympic lifting you missed through the week.


CrossFit open 15.1
9 Minute AMRAP
15 toes to bar
10 Deadlifts 50/35
5 Snatch 50/35

Friday, 10 February 2017


Olympic lifting:
Choose one of the following and every 2 minutes complete 4 lifts at a challenging weight:
Hang power snatch
Power snatch
Hang squat snatch

Complete the following for time
Run 400m
30 Power snatch 30/25
Air dyne 30 Cals
20 Power snatch
Row 30 Cals
10 Power snatch
Run 400m

Mod 2: 50% of your 1RM

(The order you do the row, bike or run doesn't matter. So long as you complete all the work)

In 5 attempts accumulate as long as possible in a hanging lit sit position.
Rest and when ready complete 5x 15 GHD Sit ups 

Thursday, 9 February 2017


In teams of 3 complete the following 23 minute AMRAP:

200 KB Snatch
200 Double unders
200m weighted walking lunge 15/10
200 Double unders
200 KB swing

Break it up however you like 😎 

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


3 Minute AMRAP
21 Deadlifts 60/50
21 Burpees
21 Cal row
Rest 3 minutes

3 Minute AMRAP
18 Deadlift 70/60
18 Burpees
18 Cal row
Rest 3 minutes

3 Minute AMRAP
15 Deadlift 80/70
15 Burpees
15 Cal row
Rest 3 minutes

3 Minute AMRAP
12 Deadlift 90/80
12 Burpees
12 Cal row

Mod 2: (Men) 100,110,120,130 (Women) 80,90,100,110

1RM Thruster

Tuesday, 7 February 2017


6x5 Back Squat at 80%

9 Minute AMRAP
Run 200m
5 Dips
Run 200m
10 Dips
Run 200m
15 Dips etc till 9 minutes add 5 reps each time

Monday, 6 February 2017


6x4 Push press (6 working sets)

4 rounds for time
10 Cal Airdyne
10 Shoulder to overhead
10 Cal row
10 Shoulder to overhead
100m Sprint

Mod 1: 40/35
Mod 2: 70/60

5 Fat bar Clean and jerks
15m Prowler push at body weight on the prowler
5 65kg Dead ball throws over the shoulder. (If you can't use the dead ball triple to reps and use the 10kg wall ball)
Rest 1 minute

Sunday, 5 February 2017


Olympic Lifting:
Mod 1:
3x3 touch and go power cleans
3x3 Hang Squat clean.

Mod 2: 12 minutes to
Build to a heavy complex of the following:
Deadlift, Power clean, Hang clean, Push jerk, split jerk

Wall balls
Burpee box jumps
KB Swings 24/16

Mod 2:
Thruster 50/40
Burpee box jumps
KB Swing 32/24

Extras: (Prefer you split this session to AM and PM if you can find the time)
3x1 @ 60%
2x1 @70%
1 @ 80%
2x1 @+80%

Saturday, 4 February 2017


Crossfit open 16.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters 35/45

Friday, 3 February 2017


6x6 Barbell row

Buy in 500m row then,
5 rounds for time:
20 push ups
10 Pull ups
20 Air squats

Mod 2:
Delete pull ups. Insert Chest to bar
Delete air squats. Insert pistols. (10 each leg alternating legs. This should be consistent with the CF open)

6 rounds of 15 second flat out on the air dyne, 45 seconds below 50%.

Thursday, 2 February 2017


Mid-line conditioning:
10 minutes of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
Hollow rocks
Superman pulses

The hollow rocks will be the rocking motion not static version, and the supermans are pulse up hold for 1 second and go down.

Partner workout 18 minute AMRAP
One partner will complete as many toes to bar as possible in the time it takes their partner to complete 40 double unders.

Your team score will be the amount of toes to bar completed. Don't lose count 😉

Note: If you have hand protection wear it!!!!

Warm up to a heavy clean and jerk. Then complete the following:
6x1 Clean and jerk with good rest in between
6x1 Hang clean
3x3 Heavy deadlift

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


4x10 Overhead Squat*

* Intent here is quality over quantity! If you are not strong at these lean on the coach for assistance and stick to broom stick or empty barbell.

16 minute EMOM
Even: 4 Over head squats 20/35
Odd: 10/15 Calorie row

Mod 2: 80% 1RM Over head squat

Tempo hand stand push ups
5 x 5. 3 Second on the down phase lower under complete control. (If 5 is to many the stop where ever control is lost) Explode up with a 1 second pause at the top.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


With a running clock complete the following:
0-8 minutes run 800m
8-12 minutes run 400m
12-16 minutes run 400m
16-25 minutes run 200m
Then at 25 minutes complete the following:
5 Minute AMRAP
5 Power clean 50/60
5 Burpees

Mod 1: Power cleans 35/50
Mod 2: Power cleans 70/80

Monday, 30 January 2017


Strength: (Squat cycle continues)
6 x 4 at 80%

6 rounds for time
10x Single arm KB snatch (5 left arm 5 right arm) 24/16
10x Box jump overs 20/24

Mod 1: KB swings eye height
Mod 2: KB 10 each arm

5 Sets not for time of max Bar muscle ups rest as needed

Sunday, 29 January 2017


The Seven 7 rounds for time
7 Handstand push ups
7 Thrusters 50/60
7 Toes to bar
7 Deadlifts 80/100
7 Burpees
7 KB swing 24/32
Pull ups

Mod 1:
7 L sit DB press
7 Thrusters 35/40
7 Laying leg raises
7 Deadlifts 50/60
7 Burpees
7 KB swings 16/24
7 Ring rows

1x1@ 60%
2x1 @ 70%
2x1 @ 80%
1x1 @ 90%
1x1 @ Above 90%

Saturday, 28 January 2017


CrossFit open workout 16.4

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts 100/70
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Mod 1: 60/40 for the deadlifts. Delete handstand push ups insert hand release push ups

Friday, 27 January 2017


Olympic lifting:
4x4 Hang snatch
4x2 Snatch

Mod 1: If you are still learning or mastering the technique use this time with the coach to work on technique.

4 minutes on 4 minutes off complete the following:
Round 1
Run 400m then in the remaining time
Max power snatch 50/40

Round 2
Run 400m then in the remaining time
Max Thrusters 40/30

Round 3
Run 400m then in the remaining time
Max push ups

Mod 1: Delete power snatch insert power clean 40/30

Thursday, 26 January 2017


35 Minute time cap complete the following
100m weighted walking lunge 10/5
50 Shoulder to overhead 40/30
50 Burpees
50 Box jumps
50 Wall balls
50 KB swings 24/16
100m Weighted walking lunge 10/5

Mod1: 15/20 for the Shoulder to overhead, 16/12 KB swings, Walking lunge unweighted.

6x2 Hang squat cleans.
Focus here is perfect set up from the knee. Pause in the bottom push elbow high chest up and stand up.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017


Australian Hero WOD McDonald & Gallagher
PTE Galagher & LCPL McDonald were serving together with the Special Operations Task Group in Afghanistan when they were tragically killed in a helicopter crash on 30 August, 2012.
McDonald enjoyed the heavy lifts such as front squats, and was known to swing up a kettlebell. Strength was his game. Therefore, the front squat and kettlebell swings are for him.
PTE Galagher was a man who loved his metabolic conditioning workouts. He was fast, strong,
and quick to find a pull up bar for his fitness programming. The pull-ups and 200m run are for him.

In pairs.

Round 1
Run 200m (Run together, then complete the 3 below movements separately one works one rests. Each partner completes all the reps) 
16 KB swings 24/16
16 Pull ups
16 Front Squat 50/30

Round 2
Run 200m
14 KB swings
14 Pull ups
14 Front Squats

Round 3
Run 200m
12 KB swings
12 Pull ups
12 Front squats

Tuesday, 24 January 2017


Deadlift 10,8,6,4,2,2

Mod 1: 5x8 reps. Focus on stability throughout the movement. (This includes putting the bar down)

30 Deadlifts 70/60
60 Double unders
20 Deadlift 90/70
40 Double unders
10 Deadlifts 100/80
20 Double unders
5 Deadlifts 120/90
10 Double unders 

Mod 1: Complete the first 2 rounds of deadlifts with 40/30, and the second 2 with 60/50. Multiply the skips by 2 or complete half the amount of double unders.

5 minute AMRAP GHD sit up, then
Accumulate 50m of handstand walking

Monday, 23 January 2017


4x12 Strict press

14 Minute EMOM
Even: 12x Toes to bar
Odd: 6x Power snatch 35/25

Mod 1: 20/15. Knee tucks
Mod 2: Squat snatch 70% 1RM

Complete 20 legless rope climbs to the roof. (This is not for time. Rest as needed. If you think you might tear your hands prepare by taping. If that doesn't work STOP!)

Sunday, 22 January 2017


6x3 Back Squat at 80%

Conditioning: With a running clock complete the following as fast as possible. No cheating on the 4 minute rest! 😉
Pull ups
Rest 4 minutes
Shoulder to overhead 50/40
Wall Balls

Mod 1: 35/25

6x2 Split jerk
If you are not proficient at split jerk use this time to practice. Use the blocks so you don't start fatigued.

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Working towards the open!

Conditioning: CrossFit open 2016 workout 16.3
7 Minute AMRAP
10 Power snatch 35/25
3 Bar muscle ups

If you need to modify the Bar muscle ups, use this time to cycle through a movement you can do. Work back from these movements till you find one you can do:
Chest to bar pull ups do 6 instead of 3
Pull ups do 9 instead of 3 (Banded pull ups are ok if you are close)
Ring rows do 12 instead of 3

Friday, 20 January 2017


6x3 Ring row. Add weight where required

Barbell conditioning:
20 Minute EMOM.
Complete the following barbell complex every minute
1 Deadlift
1 Power clean
1 Squat clean
2 Jerks

Thursday, 19 January 2017


6x3 Back squat at 80%

Conditioning: In teams of 3 one person works through a whole round then swaps out. Once all 3 have gone start the cycle again.

25 Minute AMRAP
15 Cal Row
10 Sumo deadlift high pull 40/30
5 Toes to bar

Snatch 5x1 at or above 80%
Snatch balance 5x2 (Choose a weight that you can complete the movement well. No prizes for heavy weight and terrible execution)
Snatch pulls at 5x3 105% reset for each lift not touch and go

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


Spend 10 minutes rolling out and partner stretching

Conditioning: 3 sets of 4 minutes work, 2 minutes rest.
2 Burpees
10 Double unders
4 Burpees
20 Double unders
6 Burpees
30 Double unders
8 Burpees
40 Double unders
And so on till timed out

Start again at 2 Burpees and 10 Double unders at the start of each round

Mod 1: Single skips
Mod 2: Handstand push ups

5 rounds for time
10 GHD Sit ups
10 Handstand push ups

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Olympic Lifting:
Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy Clean and Jerk. RECORD RESULTS

4 minutes on 4 minutes off:
Row 20 Cal
20 Push ups
10 Box Jumps 24/20

Repeat 4 times (24 minutes total)

Mod 1: Box step up, 10 Cal row
Mod 2: 30/24 inch Box jumps, 30 Cal row

Monday, 16 January 2017


Part 1:
Death by Burpees
Minute 1 = Do 1 Burpee
Minute 2 = Do 2 Burpees
Minute 3 = Do 3 Burpees
Minute 4 = Do 4 Burpees
And so on till you can not complete the required number in 1 minute.

Part 2:
4x 400m runs
Rest 2 minutes between efforts.

10 minute EMOM
12 Pistol squats (6 each leg)

Sunday, 15 January 2017


6x3 Front Squat

9 Minute AMRAP
20 Wall balls 9/6
10 Front squat 40/30 (Clean from ground)
5 Dips

Mod 1: 6/4 Wall ball, 35/25
Mod 2: Delete Dips add Ring Muscle ups

Saturday, 14 January 2017


CrossFit open 16.2

Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.
If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.
If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  11 squat cleans, 225 / 145 lb.
If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  9 squat cleans, 275 / 175 lb.
If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  7 squat cleans, 315 / 205 lb.
Stop at 20 minutes.

If you get timed out rest 3 minutes and go back and start again till 20 minutes is up.

Friday, 13 January 2017


Olympic lifting:
2 sets of 3 High hang clean
2 sets of 3 Hang clean
2 sets of power clean

3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
8  Power cleans 50/40
16 Box jumps
32 Sit ups

Thursday, 12 January 2017


Part 1:
Row 10 minutes for max swapping when ever you require

Part 2:
Double helen
Run 400m each
21 Kettle bell swings (Over head) 16/12 each
12 Pull ups each
Repeat 3 times

One partner completes their part the other rests. Time is when last person finishes last pull up.

Extras: 4x 20 Cal air dyne rest 3 minutes between efforts

Wednesday, 11 January 2017


Olympic lifting
Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy single Snatch

For time
20 Pull ups
100 Double unders
20 Power snatch 40/30
100 Double unders
20 Pull ups

Mod 1:30/20
Mod 2: 10 Ring muscle ups  50/40

Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Back Squat for max load
1 Set of each
5 5 4 3 2 2

Power snatch 40/30
Wall balls
Then, Run 800m

Mod 1 20/30
Mod 2 50/40

10x 1 Squat clean and jerk >80%

Monday, 9 January 2017



4 sets of 8 Strict press*
Use Dumbbells or Barbells or Mod 2 members complete Strict handstand push ups

Conditioning: (25 Minute time cap)
For time complete the following
1 Round of Cindy (5 Pull ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Squats)
25 Burpees
2 Rounds of Cindy
20 Burpees
3 Rounds of Cindy
15 Burpees
4 Rounds of Cindy
10 Burpees
5 Rounds of Cindy
5 Burpees

The strength component is building strength for Handstand holds and shoulder stability. If possible team up and share the Dumbbells.

Sunday, 8 January 2017


For time
Run 800m
32 Thrusters 35/25
32 Pull ups
Row 500m
16 Thrusters 35/25
16 Pull ups
Run 400m
8 Thrusters 35/25
8 Pull ups

Mod 1 15/20
Mod 2 Chest to bar 45/35

Extras: 100 GHD Sit ups

Saturday, 7 January 2017


CrossFit Open 16.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

8m overhead walking lunge 35/25
8 burpees

8m overhead walking lunge 35/25
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Mod 1 20/15
Mod 2 40/30

Friday, 6 January 2017


Olympic lifting:
5 sets of 3 squat cleans and 1 jerk. Work weight up to a heavy set. Don't treat the last clean and jerk as one movement. Reset, focus, and the jerk the bar.

60 seconds max Russian (Eye height) Kettle bell swings
60 seconds max cal on the air dyne
60 seconds max Wall walks
60 seconds max cal on the rower
Rest 60 seconds, repeat 4 times

Every minute on the minute
2 rope climbs to roof

Thursday, 5 January 2017


Strength: 45 seconds on 15 seconds off. (Form during movement not speed of movement)
Hollow rocks
Side plank pulse
Side plank pulse
Superman raises

4 times through (16 minutes)

In pairs 0 to 5 minutes
Swapping every 5 reps max ground to overhead 35/50
5 to 10 minutes
Swapping every rep max 100m runs
10 to 20 minutes
Swapping every 15 reps max wall balls
Mod 1: 20/30
Mod 2: 50/60

6x2 Back squat at 80%

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


Strength choose one of the following:
a, 5 sets of max weighted strict pull ups. Choose a weight that allows at least 5 reps.
b, 5 Sets of max pull ups
c, 5 sets of max chin over the bar holds

5 Rounds for time
Run 400m
12 Pull ups
12 Toes to bar

Tuesday, 3 January 2017


6x2 Front squat at 80%

3 minute AMRAP
50 Double under buy in then
15 Deadlift 70/60kg
15 burpee
Rest 3 minutes then,
3 Minute AMRAP
75 Double under buy in then
15 Deadlift 80/70kg
15 burpee
Rest 3 minutes then,
3 minute AMRAP
100 Double under buy in then
15 Deadlift 90/80kg
15 Burpee

MOD 1: 60/50 - 70/60 - 80/70
MOD 2: 100/70 - 110/80 - 120/90

Note: Deadlift weights must be light enough to enable mid-line control. If you can not maintain control then reduce the weight.

Extras: Every minute on the minute
Even: 30 seconds max GHD Sit ups 30 second rest
Odd: Max handstand push ups

Monday, 2 January 2017


Part 1:
5 rounds of 90 seconds on 30 seconds off for max distance on the rower. Rest must be above 2:10 pace

Part 2:
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
12 Shoulder to overhead 50/40
12 Toes to Bar

Sunday, 1 January 2017


Strength: 6x2 Back squat at 80%

With a running clock complete 21-15-9
Squat cleans 50/30
Ring dips
Rest remainder of the time
At 10 minutes complete 15-10-5
Power cleans 60/40
Ring dips
Rest till 20 minutes
At 20 minutes 9-7-5
Hang squat clean 80/60
Ring dips

4x3 Power snatch 60,70,80%
4x3 Snatch pulls at 100%