20 x Burpees
20 x Back Squats* (40/30, 50/40, 60/45)
20 x Pull ups
400m (L1 200m)
20 x Burpees
20 x Front Squats* (30/20, 40/30, 50/40)
20 x Toes to Bar
400m (L1 200m)
*Bar taken from the ground, Time cap - 18 minutes.
Complete 1, then 1&2, then 1&2&3, and so on till you get to 12:
1 x 100m
2 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM
3 x Toes to Bar
4 x HSPU
5 x KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
6 x Burpees
7 x Pull Ups
8 x OH Plate Lunges (L1 10/5, L2 & L3 15/10)
9 x Push Ups
10 x Box Jumps
11 x KB Snatches (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
12 x Double Unders
5 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
5 x Burpees
5 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
5 x Burpees
5 x Box Jumps
5 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
5 x Burpees
5 x Box Jumps
5 x KB Swings (L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)
- 1 x person working at a time, swapping after each full round.
- No rest between AMRAPs
- Record one score for total rounds only (not additional reps) for all 3 AMRAPs.
If you drop the ball, put the ball down, rest or pause mid rep during the round of wallballs, stop and do 15 x Burpees then continue until you've completed the required reps each round.
1st Minute: 4 x Push Jerk @ 60% 1RM
2nd Minute: 10 x Toes to Bar
3rd Minute: 2 x Ring or Bar Muscle Ups (4 x Chest to bar or 6 x Pull ups)
4th Minute: 30 x Double Unders
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Wallballs, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of KB swings, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Double Unders, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Wall Walks, then swap.
Partner A runs 400m whilst partner B completes max reps of Front Squats, then swap.
1.2km Run - Swap every 200m
60 x Alternate KB Snatch (L1 & L2 16/12, L3 24/16) - Swap every 10
600m Run - Swap every 100m
60 x Pull Ups - Swap every 10
1.2km Run - Swap every 200m
60 x Box Jumps - Swap every 10
600m Run - Swap every 100m
Partner A does 400m run whilst partner B AMRAP hang power cleans + jerks until partner A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A does 400m run whilst partner B AMRAP back squats (from floor) until partner A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A does 400m run whilst partner B AMRAP double unders until partner A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A does 400m run whilst partner B AMRAP Burpees until partner A returns.
Switch and repeat.
If completed within the 22 minutes begin again with hang power clean + jerks.
1 min - Cal Row
1 min - Wall Balls
1 min - Burpee Bar Touch (L3 Burpee pull up)
1 min - HR Push Ups
1 min - rest
Volume Week:
CrossFit is a volume sport and in saying that, Less is more simply doesn't apply in this case. This week is a great opportunity to work on increasing engine capacity. The goal during these WODs is to maintain intensity throughout, rather than going in at 100%, then dying in the ass.
Have a great week and we'll see you at the Box!
- Edis.
*Focus on moving the barbell fast and effectively through between 3 -5 reps (tap & go style). This is a great way to build strength through eccentric loading.
Hip strength Baby! The SDL is perfect for building hip strength, as well as all other benefits associated with the deadlift. If you have hip weakness, it is best remedied by the Sumo Deadlift. Having no gaping holes in our armour is a fundamental part of the CrossFit Philosophy, and hip strength is fundamental to good human movement and will carry over into other areas.
Increase your shoulder mobility with this simple exercise you can do right now!
1. Kneel or Stand with your feet hip width apart and pointing straight ahead.
2. Attempt to interlock your fingers behind your back. If you can't, use a towel.
3. Hold for a minute then switch sides, and repeat.
This exercise promotes scapula rotation and will give you a major boost in shoulder mobility.
5 x Rounds of Cindy
10 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (100/75kg Max)
10 x KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
4 x Rounds of Cindy
10 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (100/75kg Max)
10 x KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
3 x Rounds of Cindy
10 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (100/75kg Max)
10 x KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
15 x Hang Clean & Jerk (35/25, 40/30, 50/40)
15 x Front Squats
400m (L1 200m)
10 x Hang Clean & Jerk (35/25, 40/30, 50/40)
10 x Front Squats
400m (L1 200m)
60 x HSPU (Swap every 10)
80 x Pull Ups (Swap every 10)
100 x Burpee Bar Touch (Swap every 10)
200 x Double Unders (Swap every 20)
100 x Wall Balls (Swap every 10)
80 x OH Lunge 30/20kg (Swap every 10)
60 x Ring Dips
100 x Wall Balls (Swap every 10)
50 x Hang Power Cleans @ 50% 1RM (swap every 5)
100 x Pull ups (Swap every 10)
50 x Front Squats (Swap every 5)
400m (swap every 100m)
The open gym will now be held at 5:00pm with the evening Partner WOD held at 6:00pm. All other sessions on friday remain unchanged.
14 x Partner Deadlifts (120/100/80)*
16 x Synchronised push ups
18 x Partner 'feet locked' Abmat Situps
16 x Partner alternate wallballs
14 x Alternate burpee box jumps
200m Run (1 x person only)
10 x HSPU
15 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (Max 100/75kg)
25 x Box Jumps
50 x Pull Ups (Jump Chins)
100 x Wall Balls
200 x Double Unders
Run 400m (L3 w/- plate 20/15kg)
25 Minute time cap.
From this week the programming cycle has been changed and I have removed de-load week from the programming. The 5th week of our training cycle will now be
"Unknown & Unknowable".
I see great importance in deloading but i believe its always good to mix things up. I will be adding some de-load workouts (skills, RFQ etc) throughout the weekly programming.
During this weeks programming you can expect absolutely anything; new formats, Hero or Benchmark WODs, games WODs and even an extra partner or team WOD may be thrown in during the week.
Keep an eye on fatigue levels and if you're feeling it, I encourage you to have a rest day, or come in and take the foot right off the gas. Remember, there's no gains without rest/ recovery.
11 x HSPU
11 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (Max 100kg/75kg)
10 x HSPU
10 x Deadlifts
400m (L1 200m)
8 x HSPU
8 x Deadlifts
7 x HSPU
7 x Deadlifts
200m (L1 100m)
5 x HSPU
5 x Deadlifts
4 x HSPU
4 x Deadlifts
60 seconds max reps - Wall Balls
60 seconds max reps - Row for Calories
60 seconds max reps - Box Jumps
60 seconds max reps - Barbell front rack lunges (30/20kg)
60 seconds max reps - Burpees
60 seconds rest
3 rounds, record total reps.
We are at the beginning of another cycle. Congratulations on a great show of skill to those who made the most of de-load week last week, and are now ready to hit that red line once again!
Have a great Monday, and a great week Y'all!
Partner A:
7 x Pullups
9 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
11 x Box Jumps
Partner B:
Run (L1 200m, L2 & L3 400m)
Partner A completes as many rounds as possible while Partner B completes run. Once Partner B returns from the run, swap over and Partner B begins round where Partner A left off.
Score total full rounds completed.
(Not timed)
30 x Snatches
choose your own starting weight and add 5kg to bar every 5 reps.
For time -
L1 - 50 x Burpees
L2 - 50 x Burpee Bar Touch
L3 - 50 x Burpee T2B
Option 2:
(Not timed)
10 x Snatch Complex
(1 x Snatch grip dead lift, 1 x High Pull, 1 x Squat Snatch or Power snatch + OH Squat)
choose your own starting weight and add 2.5kg to bar if lift completed successfully with good technique.
For time -
L1 - 50 x Burpees
L2 - 50 x Burpee Box Jumps 20"
L3 - 50 x Burpee Box overs 20"
Swapping parts of Option 1 & Option 2 not allowed.
Choose your own weight depending on workout goal Eg - Heavy for strength based workout, Lighter for efficiency of stringing reps etc. Break reps accordingly & rest as required.
1st Minute: 4 x Squat @50%1RM (either front, back or OH)
2nd Minute: Double Unders* (L1 x 10, L2 x 20, L3 x 30)
3rd Minute: 10 Calorie Row
4th Minute: 5 x Box Jumps (26"/24")
* Count Attempts.
Monday Motivation When it comes to exercise, never associate the word "PAIN" with motivation or a positive way to achieve results:
The Assumption with the use of the word: There’s nothing to be achieved from a workout that doesn’t leave you in a reasonable degree of discomfort.
The Reality: I’m not saying don’t get yourself uncomfortable. Taking yourself to an uncomfortable place is necessary occasionally. But it is absolutely not required in order to make gains. A successful person learns to differentiate between good pain and bad pain. If it truly hurts, don’t do it. Discomfort is okay, but pain free is the ideal place to be.
On the minute every minute for 9 minutes, Partner A completes:
5 x Burpee Bar Touches
5 x Pull ups
5 x Burpee Bar touches
rest remainder of minute.
On the minute every minute for 9 minutes, Partner B completes:
5 x HSPU
5 x Air Squats
5 x Box Jumps
rest remainder of minute.
-Both athletes working at the same time.
-Swap over after 9 minutes.
-Score 1 point for each round you complete in full only, partial rounds do not count.
-If you and your partner complete every round you'll score 36 points (18 x full rounds each).
-If you fail to complete required reps within the minute, restart the round at beginning of next minute and try again.
1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)*
3 x Strict Pullups (any grip)
1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)
6 x HSPU
1 x Power Clean (L1 50/35, L2 70/50, L3 85/60)
9 x Ring Dips
Partner A completes one round then swaps with partner B.
Continue alternating after each completing one full round.
Clean can be from the hang position or the ground.
50 x Pull Ups (swapping every 5)
50 x Power Cleans @ 50% 1rm (swapping every 5)
50 x Burpee Box Jumps (swapping every 5)
50 x Push Jerk @ clean weight (swapping every 5)
200 x Double Unders (x2 single unders, swap each time reps are broken)
As many reps as possible in remaining time of:
Alternate Wall Walks or Alternate Bar or Ring Muscle Ups
50 x Ring Dips (Banded or box dips)
Swap every 5 reps
100 x Overhead Squats (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 40/30)
Swap every 10 reps
100 x Pull ups
Swap every 10 reps
100 x Front rack lunges
Swap every 10 reps (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 40/30)
50 x HSPU
Swap every 5 reps
5 x Pull ups
Burpee Bar Touches (L1 x 4, L2 x 6, L3 x 8)
Max reps in remaining time - Hang Power Cleans (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 60/50)
Partner A starts, and completes required reps in 60 seconds, then rests for 60 seconds whilst partner B works, swapping every minute.
Each time you start a new round, begin with the 5 pull-ups.
Record total combined reps for power cleans only.
400m (200m each, 1 x person at a time)
30 x Hang Power Cleans (Swap every 5 reps)
36 x Front Squats (Swap every 6 reps)
42 x Burpee Box Jumps (Swap every 7 reps)
48 x Wall Balls (Swap every 8 reps)
42 x Burpee Box Jumps (Swap every 7 reps)
36 x Front Squats (Swap every 6 reps)
6 x Shoulder to Overhead (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 60/45)
8 x Lateral bar burpees
100m Sprint
The 30 day challenge kicks off with the nutrition seminar at 6:30pm Monday night. Urban paleo will be on hand giving out free samples from 5:30pm.
60 x Pullups
(15 each then swap, 10 each then swap, 5 each then swap)
60 x Overhead Squats (or Front Squats) L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30
(15 each then swap, 10 each then swap, 5 each then swap)
60 x Push Ups
(15 each then swap, 10 each then swap, 5 each then swap)
Partner A)
10 x Wall Balls then 200m run carrying wall ball
Partner B)
1 x Bar or Ring Muscle Up (3 x C2B pull-ups or 3 x Pullups)
3 x HSPU (6 x Push ups)
9 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
12 x Box Jumps
Rest and swap, once both athletes have completed required reps.
Evening WOD will be at 6pm instead of 6:30pm due to BBQ.
Partners may alternate as required but must change positions with the ball in mid-air. If the ball hits the ground or 1 x person pauses, both people must run 200m then continue with their reps.
50 x Burpees
Partners may alternate as required but 1 person must be completing the movement at all times. If there is a pause, both people must run 200m then continue with their reps.
25 x Wall Walks
Partners may alternate as required but 1 person must be completing the movement at all times. If there is a pause, both people must run 200m then continue with their reps.
If you complete entire reps within the 20 minutes, start again with the wall balls with the same rules applying.